Xi'an Beilin Tiewu Primary School Wind Orchestra

Xi'an Beilin Tie Wu Primary School Wind Orchestra

The Xi'an Beilin Tie Wu Primary School Wind Orchestra , founded by Teacher Ge Zhanzhou in September 2015, has undergone several years of stable development and has now evolved into a fully equipped wind orchestra. The orchestra, having hosted four editions of the "Music Harmony and Art" dedicated concerts, has consistently clinched the first prize at the "Xi'an City Primary and Secondary School Students Art Exhibition" and secured top honors at the Shanxi "Spring Bud Cup" instrumental Participating in the 6th and 7th National Primary and Secondary School Students Art Exhibition organized by the Ministry of Education, the wind orchestra garnered second prizes.

Remarkably, in the "China Cup," a national excellence exhibition for wind orchestras, they achieved five consecutive gold medals, earning them the prestigious title of "Demonstration Orchestra" nationwide, along with the " Outstanding Contribution Award to the Development of Chinese Wind Music." In 2018, the wind orchestra received invitations to perform at the Golden Hall in Vienna and the Berlin Philharmonic Hall in Germany. In June 2021, they headlined the 100th concert of the "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Communist Party of China" national double century wind music concert at the Xi'an Concert Hall, receiving accolades from the Chairman of the Chinese Society for Wind Music, Yu Hai, and experts and representatives from across the country.

In June 2022, at the Vienna Summer Arts Festival, the orchestra earned a gold medal with a score of 95.4 in the 7 12 age category . On June 20, 2023, the "Setting Sail Towards Dreams" Wang Hesheng Works Concert, and the 5th Music Concert of Xi'an Beilin District Tie Beilin Wu Primary School were grandly held at the Xi'an Concert Hall. This concert pioneered a new style of campus musical culture performance and exchange, receiving acclaim from leaders at the provincial, municipal, and district levels, as well as experts from around the country.

Participated: 2024
Country: CHI

Xian Beilin Tiewu Primary School Wind Orchestra 240111 072050

Xian Beilin Tiewu Primary School Wind Orchestra Ge Zhanzhou

Conductor: Ge Zhanzhou

Ge Zhanzhou is an outstanding senior teacher at the primary and secondary levels, serving as a subject leader and educational expert in Shaanxi Province, China. He is holding various roles, including being a standing committee member of the 15th Political Consultative Conference in Beilin District, deputy director of the Beilin District Political Consultative Conference History and Culture Committee, member of the Beilin Distr ict Education Supervision and Evaluation Expert Group, music teacher at Xi'an Tie Wu Primary School, and head of the school's Arts Center.

Ge Zhanzhou has achieved significant recognition in the field of music education. He has won the first prize in the Xi'an City Music Teacher Basic Skills Competition twice and received the Outstanding Teacher Coaching Award in the Shanxi Spring Bud Cup mul tiple times. In 2019, he was honored with the Conducting Award at the 13th China Outstanding (Symphonic) Wind Orchestra Exhibition. As the leader of a provincial research project titled "A Practical Study on the Formation and Activities of Primary and Secondary School Wind Orchestras," Ge Zhanzhou achieved excellence and received recognition with the project being awarded as an outstanding provincial level project.

His contributions extend to the field of aesthetic education and the formation of school clubs. Ge Zhanzhou has delivered specialized lectures on "The Establishment and Practical Activities of High level Artistic Clubs in Primary and Secondary Schools" for club instructors and university graduates nationwide, receiving positive feedback. In September 2022, on the occasion of the 38th Teachers' Day, his exclusive interview titled "Writing the Spring and Autumn of Music, Embracing the Splendor of Symphony" was broadcast on Shaanxi Television's Urban Youth Channel.

Xi'an Beilin Tiewu Primary School Wind Orchestra concert(s)
Mid Europe 2024

Friday, 12.07.2024

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Saturday, 13.07.2024

9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Mid EUROPE Competition for Youth Wind Orchestras Ensemble/Orchestra: Xi'an Beilin Tiewu Primary School Wind Orchestra, CHI Location: congress Schladming
Concertprogram >

Title Solists Composer Publisher
“Liu Kou Cha” Chen Dan Chiha Renmin Publishing Company
“The Castle in the Highlands” Raphael Strasser OrchestralArt

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM